Hi {name},
thank you to join ballbusting.network
This is a ballbusting community for men to have fun. Share your photos, videos and meet in the real-life other guys around you to have fun.
All emails from this website have in the subject [bNetwork]. Check you spam folder if there is any email to read from here.
If you like ballbusting.network, please support us donating what you can on this page.
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Review the guys you met
All of us play with other's balls and we don't want to meet crazy people. For this reason, each user can receive review from other guys.
After meeting a guy, go to his profile, move the mouse on the header profile and click on Add review (red arrow in the following screenshot). |
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When you click on this button, you can add your review in the popup window: add your review and select your rating. |
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The rating is very important. If a guy starts to collect low rating, he could be expelled from the community. If a guy has a good rating from other 5 guys (and one of them is a verified user), this guy is automatically signed as Verified.
To be a verified user means:
- you are real
- you are not crazy
- it is nice to spend time with you, kicked or being kicked and so on
If you want to cut the corner, you can donate £5 from this link, and I will call you to check if you are real. (Yes, the website needs money to run and I cover the costs, but I need help with it) |
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After that, the user is verified. So, everybody knows the guy is OK to meet and have fun.
Any ideas?
If you have any ideas how to improve the website and grow the community, please contact me!
Remember to update your profile with your info and photos and upload your videos. Most important, invite your friends to join.
Remember that I set up a Telegram and a Whatsapp group if you want to join.
Have fun and enjoy!
Henry |
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