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Forums Ballbusting questions Finding guys

last updated by Sum Guy 4 months ago
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  • #10386

      How does everyone find guys to ballbust them and like what do you say to them to convince them?

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      • #10451

          for me it’s a different combination of channels cause I’m living in a small town. Sometimes I’m doing a trip to a city with interesting clubs. In that case it’s not so difficult to find someone. But it takes a lot of time and planning and money. Have tried it with grindr and well, there was two surprising hot situations but it’s not the best area here for a regular success. Online stuff in a nearby range the same problem.
          Well, meanwhile I knew a few places around for having some outdoor actions. The most just wanna get a blowjob or a fuckdate. But I agree with SailorBalls. Many times it’s surprising what is happening if you tell a guy „if you wanna fuck me – or get a blowjob – you has to work hard with my balls“….

          1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #10448

            I don’t use online much for it — too remote for everyone for that.

            Instead, I hook up with the guests (easy when you work for a gay tourist company), and tell the guys if you want to fuck my brains out, you’ll have to beat and squeeze my nuts hard.

            Most jump on the opportunity, even if they have never done it before (or not really). And don’t need to tell most to go harder 🙂

            Of course the hottest is when a guy is into it anyway, and just does start going for the balls, waiting for potential protest — and if thats not coming, the party is on!!

            But asking for t is okay, too — works 9 times out of 10.

            3 users thanked author for this post.
            • #10453
              Sum Guy

                Do you have any sailing recommendations for meeting people in the north eastern United States (such as NYC) and does not require a passport?

            • #10389

                Grindr has been the best way for me to find guys willing to take a beating!

              • #10388

                  Honestly, in my opinion I think it varies with age.  For example, teens will have more opportunity to bust each other since they are just discovering themselves; and, don’t they really consider consequences. Thus nut tapping is very common.

                  College age it gets a little harder; but, in today’s day and age, they are more open about kinks and sex. And hormones still drive their life.

                  Late 20’s and later, it becomes more difficult. This group (and others) help, to find a session; and, and maybe more. But it is just like any one trying to find a hookup.

                  As to what to say, I find honesty is the best. Be up front and just ask.

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              Forums Ballbusting questions Finding guys

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