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Forums Ballbusting questions Addicted to the sensation of being busted?

last updated by DekzY 7 months ago
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  • #9911

      OK so it’s a silly topic title but bear with me…

      Lately I’ve been working to meet more guys and practise to improve my tolerance for busting. I’m improving and it’s a lot of fun to keep challenging myself, or taking challenges from others. I’m not an advanced level bustee yet but I’m getting tougher. (I also love being a buster and mutual is my absolute fav, just for the record)

      Since I stepped up my “training routine”, I’ve noticed my body responding in new ways. I get a feeling of tingling and slight build up of pressure when I haven’t been busted for a while. Like my balls are filling up and are somehow wanting to be busted again.

      I also get an excited tingly feeling in my lower stomach in the area where busting pain builds up (I think technically it’s the inguinal canal?).

      These sensations grow and regular jerking off doesn’t seem to make them go away, however getting busted works nicely. If I jerk and get busted while feeling this way, the orgasm is amazing and a lot more intense than usual.

      It’s as if getting busted is slightly addictive and my body starts to crave it and anticipate it happening again.

      I’m curious if anyone else experiences similar and how it feels to you?

      Also how do you control the craving? Because although I love it I do need to get other things done in life lol

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      • #9926

          oh wtf, it said this had unread so I checked it and there’s nothing even tho I read and replied the other day lol oh well

          I said I kinda get what you mean, sometimes I just really crave a good crush and only that will do. Stroking with it is even better but that alone wouldn’t be satisfying 😁

          1 user thanked author for this post.

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      Forums Ballbusting questions Addicted to the sensation of being busted?

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