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Forums Support Marker on Members Map

last updated by Calvin Bln 10 months ago
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4 replies
  • Creator
  • #7474
    Calvin Bln

      Hi Henry,

      thanks for the all new again map feature. I understand that somehow my (private and hidden) location is used for the map. As many others I used just “Berlin Germany”, so it results that on the map several markers are exactly on top of each other. You can check when you change the zoom level that others appear on top. I guess that it’s random who tops. ;-D

      I changed now my “address” to an address in the near (not my specific home but in my area), checked with Google where the marker would be placed and its fine. On the member map it seems that I am still in the pile of markers.

      So: Is that just because the addresses are not updated instantly and it will change later (which would be totally fine with me, I just want to know if I did something wrong)?

      And one a suggestion for performance: I don’t know how you programmed it, but I would assume that it would be a bit faster if you start the map in a smaller view. If I use it, it always starts with the whole world, so maybe even with all users of this site. If you use a zoom level maybe on a country area I could imagine it would be faster and less stress for your servers. But honestly I have no idea what configurations are available and what data you use with the map, so really just a suggestion.

      Thanks for all!


    • Author
      • #7660
        Calvin Bln

          Thanks for the change, I guess. 🙂

          But now my profile is broken:


          This is the look for several of the pages, for example the home page (“activity”) or specific profiles (member page – overview – works). There are white containers on white containers, if I check with developer tools I can read the message: “There has been a critical error on this website. – Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.“.

          I could get here via the information bubble on the top right (info was that you answered my post). My edit profile page is also broken. Forums seems to work.

          Did you change something inside my profile that would be relevant for some validation? Or data somewhere that needs to be identical in several place so that the WordPress page can work?

          • #7687
            Calvin Bln

              Now it works again, maybe a general thing while you were updating the page? (I checked on several browsers etc. so it can’t have been just the cookies or something like that.) Or maybe you fixed it? Most important: at the moment it works. 🙂

          • #7615

              The address should be updated immediately, and the map should require for accessing your position to display the current one.

              Btw, I updated your location on your profile manually, it should be right now. Let me know.

            • #7614

                The address should be updated immediately, and the map should require for accessing your position to display the current one.

                Btw, I updated your location on your profile manually, it should be right now. Let me know.

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            Forums Support Marker on Members Map

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