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Forums Ballbusting questions Vintage Egg Scrambler Poll: Testing it on a testicle?

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Testing that thing on a testicle?

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  • It would be fun to test that thing on one of my own testicles.
  • It would be fun to have another person test that thing on one of my testicles.
  • It would be fun to test that thing on one of another guy's testicles.
  • It would be fun to watch another guy test that thing on one of his own testicles.
  • It would be fun to watch another person test that thing on one of another guy's testicles.
  • I have another idea.
  • None of the above.
  • Creator
  • #8440

      Manufacturer’s warning — Warning: This product is not intended to be used for the purpose of piercing a guy’s testicle or puncturing a guy’s testicle or scrambling the insides of a guy’s testicle.egg-scrambler

      1 user thanked author for this post.
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    Forums Ballbusting questions Vintage Egg Scrambler Poll: Testing it on a testicle?

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