Find your ballbusting friends

Find your ballbusting friends

Find your ballbusting friends

Forums Support What service do you miss the most? How can we improve?

last updated by Henry 1 year ago
4 voices
5 replies
  • Creator
  • #3136

      Hi guys,

      this is a open topic. What do you like to have in this community to use it more? Is there any service or feature do you want to have?

      Do you meet guys from here? How do you think we can improve the website to help all of us to meet more guys?

      I really like to hear your feedback, suggestions and comment.

      Thank you!

    • Author
      • #3283
        Sparkie Shock

          I think it’s been mentioned already but being able to turn the chat on and off would be handy .. even if that just means chat has to be a pop-out window .. or some way to mark oneself as ‘away’. I often work on my artwork and have firefox open for certain thing and the site is clearly showing me as ‘online’ .. though I’m not actively on the page .. hence people who try to message me think I’m ignoring them (I’m not … at least not on purpose).


        • #3142

            I like how people can react from the wall but it would be nice to be able to see how people have reacted within the post. I often get notifications someone reacted to my post and I can’t actually see it unless I scroll past my post on the wall.

            • #3293

                You can see everything in your personal Inbox under your profile.

                At the moment. If I show ratings in posts, interferes with the Map 🙁

            • #3137

                The map needs a few improvements, I think. It is currently not clear who is a buster / bustee / mutual, as the legend may one thing, and then you click on a profile, and it shows a totally different role. Also I believe, if there are several users in the same location, then they may overlap on the map – not sure what can be done about it?

                • #3287

                    I’m looking at this issue…

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              Forums Support What service do you miss the most? How can we improve?

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