Hi Henry .. I hate to add to your woes but I’m noticing that the pics in my gallery are kinda gone. You can see two I added just recently but the rest are no visible .. but you can still access them through the notifications when people have liked them? .. Seems that there may be some Database linking errors going on. Oh yes .. and most of my notifcations are blank.
Not a big priority .. certainly you should enjoy your xmas holidays before worrying about this. But in the new year I would be much obliged if the galleries could be taken a look at. Many thanks.
After your post, I checked and all the photos and videos are not displayed in the Media section of the user profile. This is related to an update of the plugin that manages the profile page. All the photos and videos are still saved. I involved the company that provides the plugin for a resolution.
Yeah I felt sure that the actual media data was still there as you could view them when clicking on the blank notifications (clearly where someone has left a like or such) .. but it was also clear that the links to the media section on the profile is missing. Anyways .. glad I could help.